Monday, June 02, 2008

Today was my first day at my new job. I made it through (8 hours of computer instruction) with an extremely sore back. Besides my back crapping out on me at possibly the worst time ever (besides the time it decided to go out while I was diving in the water at the biggest college swim meet I would ever swim in), I think I am going to like working at the hospital here. I was very impressed with what they had to say at orientation (way better than my last offense to homeless bums in pontiac). But yeah I have more classroom instruction tomorrow and will be done with that on Friday. Then it is back to Holland this weekend so I can take the NCLEX on Monday. Ugh.... when the next week is over I think I am going to buy myself a treat or something..provided I pass the test. Anyway, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!! Betsy bought me flowers for my first day of work....she also cooked me beef stroganhof for dinner...simply the best!!!!!!


designHER Momma said...

oh how nice! glad you made it through.....I knew you would. Keep us posted!!!!!

Jayme said...

that was really nice of bets! i wish dan liked beef sounds so good!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it you made it through the day. Just hang in there! I'm also thankful that Betsy is there for you.

erin said...

you are one tough cookie. keep it up!