Thursday, November 08, 2007


Today I am thankful for Smokes. I know I post pictures of him everyday, but look at him....he looks so cozy in my bed. I am sure he laid there all day (its 9:20 pm). Anywhoooooo.....have a good night I'm off to join Smokes!!!!


houseofeling said...

I think I had to throw peggy off my like 10 times last night. It's getting cold in our house at night and she tries to get right in my face to snuggle....

Unknown said...

Smokes is such a loving cat! I bet Dirt and Dot are just waiting for me to come home and do the same thing on the couch.

erin said...

hi jenna! i hope everything is going good. did you get the email about travelzoo, $21 for a flight to ny from det!! miss you!