Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Demolition Day 2

Dad continued with his demolition today while Mom, Betsy and I prepared for a garage sale that will take place on Thursday and Friday of this week. We priced out a lot of stuff, so everyone should come check us out at Aunt Barb's house. Most everything is super on sale for 25 cents!This is a picture of Dad and Mom's bathroom. Makes me want to take a tub...NOT. As you can see their old bedroom is now connected to Betsy's old room.
Ummmm... where is the toilet, I need to take a poop! Oh wait, it is now in the back bathroom, replacing the toilet that sounded like a monster...good work Dad!!!
Who would have thought Mom and Dad had hard wood floors all along. Dad got pretty far today, the boarded up hole in the wall is where their new hot tub will eventually be. Mom is sooooooooo happy to have this all happening for real. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Jayme said...

wow...keep posting updates and have fun at the garage sale.

houseofeling said...

it is looking so good! How fun a garage sale, I love old junk.